Friday, June 8, 2018

Benefits of Rabbit Meat To Overcome Asthma Disease

Benefits of Meat Rabbits for health-anyone who does not know rabbits? .. well this animal is very common in the care by some people, there are made in pets and some animals that make it as a livestock to be utilized the meat. Rabbits are herbivorous animals that is the type of animals that eat plants. Almost all the vegetables that we eat the rabbit hooked, but often we see in cartoon films rabbits most like to eat carrots.

If made in pet rabbits are very cute and adorable, other than that the color of this animal is also pretty there are white, brown, black and also gray. If you want to cultivate rabbits in order to use the meat, this can also be a good choice, because the rabbit is very easy to cultivate. First the food is very easy to find in the garden or rice fields that is in the form of weeds and the second is once breeding bunnies at least give birth to 3 to 6 children at once so very quickly breeding.

Nowadays many people have used rabbit meat for consumption. Maybe they have started to know that rabbit meat in addition to having a good taste also has benefits for our health. Some of the nutrients found in rabbit meat include fat, water, protein, calcium, sodium, niacin, selenium, vitamin B12, and vitamin B3.

n about 3 ounces of rabbit meat contained only 167.5 calories, which is lower than beef ie 259.3 calories, so if you eat this rabbit meat is very healthy to meet your dietary need.

Within 3 ounces of rabbit meat there is 24.7 grams of macronutrient, a protein that can contribute greatly to daily needs. Proteins can supply energy to help build muscle to maintain the functioning of the immune system. If the body lacks protein can cause overeating, then to counteract the hunger required amount of protein ranges between 10-20% of your daily calories.

Rabbit meat is also low in fat, in about 3 ounces of rabbit meat its only 6.8 grm fat content. If compared with beef that has a fat content of 18.3 grams in the same portion. In addition, rabbit meat also contains only 69.7 milligrams of cholesterol in a portion of 3 ounces. As is known, our body does require the necessary cholesterol for cell formation, but it is advisable not to consume more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day, the goal to avoid health problems caused by high cholesterol.

Benefits of Rabbit Meat

1. Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease is closely related to bad cholesterol in the blood. Well in the rabbit meat contains unsaturated cholesterol or good cholesterol that can suppress the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. And there is also a very good sodium content for your heart health. Well for heart disease patients are strongly recommended to consume this rabbit meat by processing it in boiled.

2. Curing Asthma

Asthma is a type of allergic disease that has the characteristics of sterile inflammation, accompanied by acute respiratory attacks periodically, easy to wheeze and cough. If you suffer from asthma is strongly recommended to consume liver and heart rabbits. But it should be processed by way of boiled so that ketotifen element content is not lost. This content is believed to cure asthma attacks suddenly. For those of you who want to cure asthma naturally can be by eating meat and liver rabbit regularly.

3. Optimizing Children's Conflict

The growth period in children is greatly influenced by the intake of nutrients in foods that are in consumption. Well in this rabbit meat there is a high enough protein content so that if you have children in the growth period is strongly recommended to consume this rabbit meat because with adequate protein intake then your child's growth will be maximized.

4. Can Prevent Cancer

It has been mentioned above that rabbit meat contains niacin, Vitamin B 12 and Selenium. According to research that has been done, this content can prevent the growth of cancer cells. So if you often consume this rabbit meat then the risk of cancer will be on tap.

5. Menu for Diet

For those of you who are currently on a diet program and still want to eat well. Make this rabbit meat for your food menu because rabbit meat is really going to bad cholesterol. So you will have no problem about adding significant weight.

6. Nourish the Elderly

If you are at the age of 50 years and over should you start to maintain your diet. It turns out that protein in addition to good for the growth of children is also in need by people with old age, it aims to increase endurance to avoid the threat of various diseases. For those of you who have stepped on the age of 50 years and over should consume rabbit meat is still young and its processing by way of boiled and also consume lots of vegetables and fruits.

May be useful

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