Monday, May 28, 2018

Natural Way to Overcome Uric Acid Proven Powerful

Have you suddenly felt something very painful in the joints, especially on the swelling of the thumbs? If you've ever experienced it, you may be exposed to gout disease.This uric acid will be due to the result of the sodium urate in the joints of the inner and outer parts.

n general all parts of the body can experience gout, but the most frequently attacked is the joints of hands, fingers, knees, toes and also ankles. And uric acid disease is more often attacked men than women, especially those aged over 30 years, and whereas in women are usually higher risk when entering the menopause.

Danger of Uric Acid Disease

The danger of this disease is the eye pain in the joints, especially the toes and knees. At a low level or low level of disease, the feeling of pain will generally arise in the morning when you wake up. Then the pain will disappear with the person starting to run a lot of daily activities.

However, if uric acid disease can develop, and also know the dangers of uric acid when uric acid levels in the blood has been very high in the period long enough. However, if allowed to continue, then the crystals formed over time will be enlarged, until eventually will lead to severe joint problems and also fatal.

How To Overcome Uric Acid Naturally Proven Powerful

1. With Baking Soda Baking soda

Baking soda mixed with water can effectively reduce pain within 1 to 2 days. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with 8 ounces of water and then one drink. But it may be necessary to repeat it several times a day, but limit it to a total of only 3 tsps overall. The recommended maximum amount of baking soda is 4 tsp in 1 day. Use caution if you have hypertension, because baking soda can increase blood pressure when taken in large quantities.

2. Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very useful to help the body become more alkaline, and is already known as a natural remedy that is proven to overcome many diseases including gout. Try mixing 1 to 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar with 8 ounces of water. You can also drink it once or several times each time. Try both methods and see which ones are more effective. This solution can reduce pain significantly within one or two days of consumption. But be sure to use organic apple cider vinegar.

3. Consume Bromelain Enzyme Form

Bromelain is a form of compound or enzyme that can be found in pineapple fruit or also in the form of supplements. and this enzyme is often recommended for people who have gout have even been shown to have anti-cancer properties.

4. Increase intake of Vitamin C

There is strong evidence and suggests that increased vitamin C can reduce uric acid. Vitamin C can be obtained from food or in supplement form.

5. Avoiding Certain Food Intake

Avoid eating grapefruit, sardines and mackerel because it includes foods rich in purine-causing uric acid. Coffee, broccoli, soy products, durian fruit, petai, shrimp, red meat, and spinach greatly aggravate the condition of uric acid.

6. Regular exercise

For uric acid problems, exercise will naturally help reduce uric acid levels by normalizing insulin. and in general, exercise is a deterrent to all health problems.

May be useful

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