Monday, May 28, 2018

How To And Overcome Cough Stress Guaranteed Healed

Cough is a disease that is often suffered by many people be it children, adolescents, and adults. Cough itself can come along with cold disease can also just cough it cough that cough can also cause chest pain and headaches if cough occurs in prolonged.

Many drugs that can be used to treat the cough is cough for adults and cough for children. However, drugs sold on the market are not necessarily safe for health and if you do not provide them with a doctor's prescription then the drug can also have many side effects for the body.

So from to avoid it all actually cough can be overcome by using a natural way that probably not many people know.

Causes of Coughing

1. Increased excess stomach acid, and increased stomach acid in the body can be caused because we consume foods that are too spicy.

2. Having an infection of the respiratory, infections that occur in the vicinity of our respiratory tract are germs that cause coughing.

3. Have an allergy to certain objects, such as dust, ash, and pollution

4. Has suffered a serious illness, the disease in question is such as cancer, lung, or it could also side effects of drug use.

Ways And Tips To Overcome Cough

1. Using Lemon Potion

. Prepare 1-2 pieces of lime juice containing a lot of water or can also lemon ready to mature
. After that slice the lime and divide into several parts, take the water
. After that had the juice of lemon juice in the filter then mix the lemon juice with soy sauce
. And if you do not like soy sauce, can be replaced using honey is also okay
. The last juice of lemon juice that had been mixed with soy / honey drunk for 2x a day until the cough subsided and drink must be terartur yes.

2. Using Basil Leaf

Probably not foreign to you why basil leaves can be used for dry cough medicine naturally,. And how to make it easy way is very easy

. Firstly prepare the first leaf kemanginya, prepare as many as 7 leaves.
. Both prepare 3 glasses of water
. Then boil the basil leaves and water until boiling
.Take the ingredients regularly to get maximum results

3. Using turmeric

Turmeric was useful to treat cough, especially dry cough and itching. How to use it simple way is very easy.

. Prepare turmeric then washed
. After washed until clean turmeric directly pounded
.. If the turmeric collision was mixed with honey, then drink regularly as a cough medicine

4. Using Salt Water

Salt water can also be used to treat a dry cough naturally how to use it too easily

. Provide salt to taste
. Then the salt is dissolved in a glass of boiled water
. This salt solution is used to rinse mouthwash every day until the cough is healed

5. Using Ginger and Kencur Potion

Ginger and kencur Ginger itself has properties that can relieve, and also can also as anti-inflammatory that, can be used as a natural remedy cough symptoms, How to use ginger and kencur as easy cough cough medicine

. Prepare ginger and kencur first, for ginger as much as 3 and kencue to taste
. Then slice the ginger and kencur
. The slice is boiled in water, boil it until it boils
. Water stew of ginger and kencur filtered then boiled water that has been boiled was drunk regularly as a dry cough medicine it.

May be useful

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